?Design in Tech Report 2019 | Section 1 | TBD = Tech × Business × Design

How do technology, business, and design interrelate in the startup and corporate ecosystems today?

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Design is now maturing — expect some awkwardness.

  • There are three kinds of design. Classical Design, Design Thinking, and Computational Design.
  • In the last 12 months there were 19 acquisitions of creative agencies and companies.
  • The value of design is in relation to the other parts of a company’s operations.
  • Alone and isolated within a company, design is a microworld of aesthetic high-fives.
  • Scaling design at the speed of Moore’s Law is not possible. Scaling design IS possible at a slower-than-desirable velocity.
  • Inclusive design has achieved broad acceptance among designers. For non-designers, inclusive design can be a harder idea to sell.
  • There’s fear about AI’s future impact, but there’s creative hope out there too. Yes we can.
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