How do you make design decisions?

There are 1000+ responses from the 2018 McKosmo Quiz so now is a good time to start to see what came back. That means my little survey will be rendered a little less useful, but I already know from Erika Hall that surveys are a bad idea (wink).

A quarter of the respondents have mastered objectivity somehow.
Close to half do not track design performance — it’s difficult to do.
The majority says there’s no incentives for better design.
Incremental product bloat is still big boss, but change is a foot.

I’m going to take this information in with a grain of salt of course — but it certainly tastes like something to me. Given that I’m working on the 2019 #DesignInTech Report right now, it’s prudent that I keep looking broadly and deeply. —JM

Download the 2018 report in PDF form.