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Snippets From The First Four #DesignInTech Reports


The 2015 Report explained design’s rise in value to tech as due to mobile devices and the mass-consumerization of computing. We moved from “tech-led” to “experience-led” digital products as services on smartphones took over and gave access to everyone. Designing for mobile brought new experience constraints compared with the desktop, and made designers’ skills invaluable as the pathway to non-techy consumers.


The 2016 Report showed peak growth in interest by venture capital firms in design, and highlight significant growth in the acquisition of design agencies by consulting firms like McKinsey & Co and Accenture. Google emerged as a new leader in design. There are 3 kinds of design: Classical Design, Design Thinking, and Computational Design. The most business value is being driven by the latter two kinds of design.


The 2017 Report framed computational design as a key driver of accelerated growth, with inclusive cultures @work as vital for tech businesses hoping to lead in design. We saw the emergence of new tools and creative communities as producing increased value, and inclusive design had just started to arrive in the zeitgeist of the product landscape. Adopting an inclusive design approach expands a tech product’s total addressable market. The tipping point for inclusive design begins to tip.


The 2018 Report saw the growth of inclusive design expand from the edges into the center of conversations in the technology industry. Microsoft’s pioneering work in inclusive design as led by Kat Holmes started to be picked up by non-designers and business leaders. At the same time, Artificial Intelligence’s implications to design became evident with new advancements in machine learning that were both exciting and frightening.

Design tools are transforming to include project management, flexible annotation, conversion to actual code, version control, realtime collaboration, integrated cloud, and machine intelligence.
Scaling design requires five elements: 1/ Design Culture, 2/ Design Talent, 3/ Design Leaders, 4/ Design Systems, 5/ Design Ops.
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