- When working with remote teams, how do you effectively collaborate with each other?
- How do you know when a design is 'done'/right?
- What are commonly used design KPIs?
- What are things to do to avoid burnout? /
- When interviewing, what are some questions to ask about a company's culture and design team?
- Is going to college worth it? (college)
- How should I structure my design portfolio to best communicate my skillsets?
- Should I start my career at an agency, startup, or big company?
@erondu @askplaybook
# We're in a new age of data visualization × quant-qual science
.box[.subhead.bg-em[What's a Data Scientist?]
The core set of skills:
* Programming Skills
* Statistics
* Machine Learning
* Multivariable Calculus & Linear Algebra
* Data Wrangling
* Data Intuition
* Data Visualization & Communication
The Open Source Data Science Master's Degree is a cool set of resources gathered by Clare Corthell.]
.box[.subhead.bg-em[Talk data to me]
.quote-medium[Data visualization and journalism teams at The Guardian NYT WSJ have been at the forefront.]
.quote-medium[These tools show a new direction:
* Observable by Mike Bostock
* Data Studio by Google
* Colaboratory by Google
And open source ones exist too:
* D3.js by Mike Bostock
* Processing by Processing Team
* Zeppelin by Apache
* DrawBot by DrawBot Team
.box[.subhead.bg-em[Have I given up on design?]
.quote-small.fg-em-z[_**Nope.** I'm just collecting all the parts I've been learning/doing for my whole life before — I get uploaded to the big cloud in the sky one day. To design amazing experiences for people, I've always chosen to think/work inclusively and broadly._]
@udacity @clarecorthell
# Learn user researcher skills and principles to grow
.box[.subhead-slim.bg-em[The top 10 most valuable design
skills for the future]
1. Adaptability to tech and social change
2. Empathy
3. .bg-em-y[Communication skills]
4. .bg-em-y[Asking good questions]
5. Cross-functional skills
6. .bg-em-y[Storytelling]
7. .bg-em-y[Cross-cultural skills]
8. .bg-em-y[Observation and listening]
9. .bg-em-y[Psychology and human behavior]
10. Managing complexity
.tx-sans.tx-small[Note that many of .bg-em-y[these skills] are exercised with expertise by User Researchers. To learn more about User Research see Erika Hall's work]
.quote-big[Surprisingly very few companies conduct qualitative user research.]
.quote-medium[Early-stage start-ups surveyed by Albert Lee/Dayna Grayson that use qualitative research: 12%, Mid-stage: 32%, Late-stage: 46%]
.tx-sans[—NEA Future of Design in Start-ups 2017
# Learn product management skills and principles to grow
.subhead-slim.bg-em[The top 8 skills that designers
need to understand in business]
1. .bg-em-y[Product Roadmap Strategy]
2. .bg-em-y[Company Strategy]
3. .bg-em-y[Retention/ Engagement Metrics]
4. .bg-em-y[Conversion Metrics]
5. .bg-em-y[Funnel Acquisition Metrics]
6. .bg-em-y[Revenue Model]
7. .bg-em-y[Financial Metrics (i.e. Revenue, Margin etc.)]
8. .bg-em-y[Resource Allocation]
.subhead-slim.bg-em[The top 10 skills needed near-
term for designers in start-ups]
1. .bg-em-y[Business]
2. .bg-em-y[Communication]
3. .bg-em-y[People Skills / Emotional Intelligence]
4. Writing - Copywriting
5. AR Design
6. .bg-em-y[Data Science]
7. .bg-em-y[Empathy for End User]
8. .bg-em-y[Facilitation Skills]
9. .bg-em-y[Management Skills]
10. .bg-em-y[Service Design]
.subhead-slim.bg-em[The top 10 skills needed further
out for designers in start-ups]
1. Writing
2. AI / ML
3. Data Science
4. .bg-em-y[Empathy for End User]
5. .bg-em-y[Storytelling]
6. Sound Design
7. .bg-em-y[Scenario Design / Service Design]
8. .bg-yellow[Ethics / Bias]
9. .bg-em-y[Psychology]
10. .bg-em-y[Systems Design]
.tx-sans.tx-small[.bg-em-y[Highlight] corresponds to product manager and design leader/manager skills. .bg-yellow[Highlight] is a classical design competency that is needed today.]
# The best way to scale design? Listen to what Bill used to say.
via Cooper Hewitt
If there's a simple, easy design principle that binds everything together, it's probably about starting with the people.
—Bill Moggridge IDEO
.subhead-box[ ]
.fg-dkgray[_Bill Moggridge, co-founder of IDEO and director of the Smithsonian’s Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum, died September 8th, 2012, following a battle with cancer. An outspoken advocate for the value of design in everyday life, Bill pioneered interaction design and integrated human factors into the design of computer software and hardware._
@ideo @cooperhewitt
# Scaling Design Case Study: Automattic.Design
.quote-small[## .fg-dkgray[Design Culture]
You need a CEO who cares about design, and recognizes that good design is good business. It's because the customer wants it.
* Stanford GSB Case Study
* Design in Tech Reports
* IBM Design
.quote-small[## .fg-dkgray[Design Talent]
You need a strong designer hiring leader. They will be, "Someone who you wish was designing instead and loves talent, too."
* Brie Anne Demkiw's tips
* Automattic.Design blog
* Jared Spool's Master Class
.quote-small[## .fg-dkgray[Design Leaders]
You need a primary design lead who cares about leadership and enjoys fostering new leaders.
* Redesigning Leadership
* InVision Design Leadership
* Within Leadership Retreat
* Designer Fund
.quote-small[## .fg-dkgray[Design Systems]
You need a few computational designers who work inclusively. Plus listen to Nathan Curtis.
Our design system offers *[kit scope]* released as *[kit outputs]* and documented at *[kit doc site]* produced by *[people]* in order to serve *[products]* products and experiences. † ††
* Awesome Design Systems
* Adele | DesignSystems.com
* Some Needed Levity
.quote-small[## .fg-dkgray[Design Ops]
You want to product- and project- manage design as a service inside the org. And we've recently hired for Design Ops.
* What is Design Ops?
* Design Ops Lenses
* Holly Burroughs Cole
Karl Gerstner @mialoira @nathanacurtis @marcintreder @alexjpate @daveixd @_dte @figma @hollyface1975
name: toc-3
class: bg-ltgray
## .tx-mono[Computational Design:
First Steps]
.subhead-slim.bg-em[Atoms × Bits × People has happened at scale]
* Custom fabrication technology that leverages computation while using less tech, traditional manufacturing ideas is becoming more accessible.
* Speech recognition has advanced to the point where the experiences provided by this technology are becoming just as important as how computer graphics technology brought GUIs to the screen.
* Augmented reality (and VR) experiments and ideas abound as the technology becomes more accessible via smartphones and inexpensive peripherals.
* The majority of Americans now own a cellphone and are rapidly upgrading to smartphones, but the US lags in 13th place in average mobile data used per person across countries.
* Speed is a key design attribute of a mobile experience with sessions averaging on the order of 30 seconds and over half of site visitors abandoning a site visit if takes longer than 3 seconds to load.
# Atoms × Bits are getting cheaper to work (and experiment) with
via Line US
[Line US](https://Line-us.com) .fg-dkgray[_via the UK_]
via Mayku
[Mayku](https://www.mayku.me/) .fg-dkgray[_via the UK_]
.quote-medium[The Line US and Mayku devices are excellent examples of low-cost, sophisticated computational design tools to work (and experiment) in the physical world. Line US is genius, and Mayku uses old-school vacuum forming methods.]
.quote-small[Design milestones to note are a 4d-printed dress by Nervous Systems accessioned to MoMA and the ever-expanding work of MIT Media Lab's Neri Oxman. Manufacturing machinery advances to note in 3d-printing are materials scientist Jennifer Lewis' work on footwear with Voxel8 and advanced 3d-printing capability in metal achieved by Desktop Metal.
@johnmaeda @Line_us_machine @teammayku
# Mobile (Atoms × Bits) is how everyone (will) get things done
When a question or need arises, our phones are by far our most trusted resource, with 96% of people using a smartphone to get things done.
To meet these needs, people are at least twice as likely to use search than other online or offline sources such as store visits or social media
—Lisa Gevelber Google
via Google
.quote-small[—PEW *This graphic wouldn't embed*]
The vast majority of Americans – 95% – now own a cellphone of some kind. The share of Americans that own smartphones is now 77%, up from just 35% in Pew Research Center’s first survey of smartphone ownership conducted in 2011.
—PEW Research Center (2018)
.quote-small[The Open Source typeface Inter UI claims to be better for reading text on a mobile device.]
.quote-small[Starbucks is challenged by mobile order-ahead fulfillment but will likely design good fixes.]
@google @pewresearch @rsms
# Mobile adds time to our digital lives, and data usage to our plans
Mobile’s mostly additive — it added more screen time in the US than it took from other media.
Time spent on mobile has surged, while time spent on other media has only slowly declined.
—Luke Wroblewski
Finland's average mobile data usage per person per month is 10.95Gb, followed by Latvia 8.21Gb, Austria 6.28, Sweden 4.38, Denmark 4.37.
The US is #13 at 2.67Gb.
via @lukew
@lukew @emarketer @OECD
# Mobile demands higher performance standards in experience
.subhead-box.bg-em[19 seconds]
.tx-large[average mobile web page load time on a 3G connection]
.subhead-box.bg-em[53% of users]
.tx-large[abandon site that takes longer than 3 seconds to load on mobile]
.subhead-box.bg-em[35% smaller]
.tx-large[JPEGs using a new open source encoder called Guetzli]
—The Verge
.subhead-box.bg-em[30 seconds]
.tx-large[or less constitute more than half of all smartphone sessions]
# Mobile phones have more sensors than a microphone these days
In 2018, currently [Android Docs](https://source.android.com/devices/sensors/sensor-types) lists Android Sensor Types as having 9 base sensors. And there are 5 other "composite sensor" types that are created out of the base sensor systems. Two sensors not listed there are the microphone and visible light camera — of which smartphones today now sport two each, at least.
For context, a BMW 5-series car has a 100 or more sensors.
.quote-medium[Sensors provide data,
software provides experiences.
—Qualcomm (2014)]
.subhead-slim.bg-em[Android base sensors]
* Accelerometer
* Ambient temperature
* Magnetic field sensor
* Gyroscope
* Heart Rate
* Light
* Proximity
* Pressure
* Relative humidity
.subhead-slim.bg-em[Android composite sensor types]
* Linear acceleration
* Significant motion
* Step detector
* Step counter
* Tilt detector
.subhead-slim.bg-em[Other sensors on devices]
* Range camera, IR camera, Heart rate, Fingerprint
.quote-small[The Nintendo Switch represents a different kind of form-factor in design, which gives rise to a different kind of experience.
via Nintendo
.quote-small[Snapchat Spectacles received a lot of attention for how it failed to capture attention, but it remains a clever design experiment.
via Amazon
Relevant SNL sketches: [Alexa](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvT_gqs5ETk) [Glasses](https://youtu.be/huIPadEfD3E?t=24s)]
# Towards conversational design
.quote-big.fg-dkgray[Conversation is not a new interface. It's the oldest interface. Conversation is how humans interact with one another, and have for millennia. We should be able to use the same principles to make our digital systems easy and intuitive to use by finally getting the machines to play by our rules.
—Erika Hall
# Conversational experience design is worth talking about
.quote-medium[Voice promises to deliver interactions closer to how we all communicate as human beings. Applications have to adapt to people now, instead of the other way around.]
—Khoi Vinh
.quote-medium[Siri saying, _"One liter is 33.81 fluid ounces."_ in iOS 9, iOS 10, iOS11.]
—Apple Machine Learning
_Conversational Design_ .fg-dkgray[is out this month by design leader, user research guru, and author, **Erika Hall**.]
The experience design milestone in prose × chat by Typeform is worth reading/seeing/interacting.
.quote-medium[Sonos enters the voice arena with the Sonos One
.quote-medium[Voice recognition is the transcribing of audio to text and natural language processing is taking that text and working out what command might be in it. .bg-em-y[Since 2012, error rates for these tasks have gone from perhaps a third to under 5%.] In other words, this works, mostly, when in the past it didn't.]
—Benedict Evans
* The Science of Talking with Computers
* DAVID Miami / BK Spot
* Infinite Looping Voice Assistants
* Billy Bass Alexa
@sonos @khoi @benedictevans @mulegirl @typeform @arrelid
# The Web's become much better at listening and speaking up
.block-quote.fg-dkgray[This specification defines a JavaScript API to enable web developers to incorporate speech recognition and synthesis into their web pages. It enables developers to use scripting to generate text-to-speech output and to use speech recognition as an input for forms, continuous dictation and control. The JavaScript API allows web pages to control activation and timing and to handle results and alternatives.]
```var recognition = new SpeechRecognition();```
.block-quote.fg-dkgray[The Web Speech API provides two distinct areas of functionality — speech recognition, and speech synthesis (also know as text to speech, or tts) — which open up interesting new possibilities for accessibility, and control mechanisms.
—Mozilla Using the Web Speech API]
Listen Talk Colors Map States
Google Experiments Mystery Animal Meme Buddy
@codepen @jakemhiller @matt-west @rodriguesmarcos @nickfordesign @michaelarestad
# Should you care about augmented/virtual reality? Sure!
.quote-medium[We believe that AR technologies will be instrumental in closing the skill gap that is responsible for the shortage of skilled manufacturing workers. Because AR will allow more workers to do high-skill jobs, and improve their performance in this work, we are optimistic that industrial productivity will grow and that this will ultimately translate into higher wages. —HBR
Zach Lieberman and collaborators
Project iCan ドラえもん どこでもドア
title: toc-4
class: bg-ltgray
##Computational Design:
Artificial Intelligence
.subhead-slim.bg-em[AI isn't good at inclusive design because we aren't, too]
* 88% of designers surveyed believe that it will be at least 5 years or more until visual designers are replaced by AI. AI can already do a lot right now.
* The history of AI and generating visual art goes back to the 1960s with A. Michael Noll and other artists at Bell Labs, and stretches back to Marcel Duchamp.
* AI is extremely proficient at tedious tasks that no human should really have to do, like: adjust image contrast, correct messy lines, and re-style images.
* Google is by far the leader in mixing AI with design experimentation due to the amazing talent they've acquired like Martin Wattenberg and Fernanda Viegas — who at IBM first advanced data visualization with their landmark Many Eyes.
* AI is showing us the unintended consequences of running what appear to be "fair" algorithms that feed off of past activity and practices that are converted into training data. But embedded in that training data is our long history of exclusion.
# When do you expect AI to replace most visual designers?
.fg-dkgray[years or more before AI replaces most visual designers believed by 88% of designers surveyed]
.fg-dkgray[of designers surveyed believe it will be ten years or more]
#DesignInTech 2018 Open Survey | 1219 samples
# AI has gone to art school and its grades are improving
.quote-small[Input Image —Max-Planck Institute]
via Max-Planck Institute
.quote-small[Generated Image —Max-Planck Institute]
via Max-Planck Institute
via UAL
A digital computer and microfilm plotter were used to produce a semirandom picture similar in composition to Piet Mondrian's painting "Composition With Lines" (1917). Only 28% of the Ss were able to correctly identify the computer-generated picture, while 59% of the Ss preferred the computer-generated picture. Both percentages were statistically diferent (0.05 level) from selections based upon chance according to a binomial test.
A. Michael Noll (1966)
.subhead-slim.bg-em-z[GitHub repositories with AI-related terms]
.quote-big[machine learning]
.quote-big[deep learning]
.quote-big[artificial intelligence]
March 9, 2018 GitHub search / Psychology Record / Max-Planck Institute @ual
# Hey AI-designer. Can you go and ____ for me?"
.box[Remove watermark *
via Google
.box[Perfect contrast *
via MIT
.box[Resynthesize style *
.box[Generate variations *
via UC Berkeley / Adobe
.box[Change expression *
via Facebook
.box[Fix drawing *
via Google
.subhead.bg-em[via Facebook: 10 Tips to Spot False News]
**Consider the photos.** False news stories often contain manipulated images or videos. Sometimes the photo may be authentic, but taken out of context. You can search for the photo or image to verify where it came from.
—Facebook Help Center]
@facebook @google @nvidia @MIT
# AI can make more than just images
.subhead-slim.bg-em[Designing by AI]
* Design an advertising spot by AI
* Fits you into a garment perfectly by AI.
* Design a game engine by watching another one being played by AI
—Georgia Tech
* Design websites by AI
* Design a Stitchfix blouse by AI
* Design complex machinery parts by AI
—Technology Review
Kram / Weisshaar
Design a table by AI Kram / Weisshaar (2003)
# Learn AI and don't be afraid — stay awake. Don't freeze.
createwith.ai examples curated by Nao Tokui.
Open source deeplearn.js is a library lets you experiment with machine learning via the Web
@google @naotokui
# It's only human that we will work to thwart AI with all our might
via Technology Review
.quote-medium[How do you turn a dog into a car? Change a single pixel.
—Technology Review
On March 28th, 2017 congress passed a law that makes it legal for your Internet Service Providers (ISP) to track and sell your personal activity online. This means that things you search for, buy, read, and say can be collected by corporations and used against you.
Click this button, and your browser will start passively loading random sites in browser tabs. Leave it running to fill their databases with noise. Just quit your browser when you're done.
How to hide from machines? How to become invisible in an increasingly visual age.
—ANTFC version alpha*
@techreview @wired @madedotcom
# Because what we make in now has unintended consequences
.box[ .cell-title-xl[July 2015].quote-small[**Google** Mistakenly Tags Black
people as “Gorillas” Showing Limits of Algorithms WSJ ]
.box[ .cell-title-xl[June 2016].quote-small[More **Airbnb** Customers are
Complaining About Racism The
Economist ]
.box[.cell-title-xl[August 2016].quote-small[Clearly **Snapchat** Doesn’t Get
What’s Wrong With Yellowface Wired
How **Nextdoor** reduced racist
posts by 75% Fusion ]
.box[.cell-title-xl[September 2016].quote-small[**Airbnb** CEO: Bias and
Discrimination Have No Place Here Time]
And a new and needed discourse is emerging
.box[.cell-title-xl[April 2017]
.quote-small[**Tragic Design** by Jonathan
Shariat and Cynthia Saucier
.box[ .cell-title-xl[October 2017]
.quote-small[**Technically Wrong** by
Sara Wachter-Boettcher
.box[ .cell-title-xl[January 2018]
.quote-small[**Automating Inequality** by
Virginia Eubanks
.box[.quote-small[.fg-em-x[**Kat Holmes** new book is forthcoming on inclusive design]]
From last year's Design in Tech Report
# Design has long been asking questions about social responsibility
.quote-huge.fg-dkgray[Design for All is design for human diversity, social inclusion and equality.
—[EIDD Stockholm Declaration](http://dfaeurope.eu/what-is-dfa/dfa-documents/the-eidd-stockholm-declaration-2004/) (2004)
title: toc-5
class: bg-ltgray
.subhead-slim.bg-em[We can expect AI to only widen the digital divide]
* It's easy in the technology world to look away from inequality becaus the privileges that come with tech life are pleasurable and self-fulfilling.
* But designers in tech can easily forget that they're in a tiny minority of the population that doesn't really match their much broader consumer market.
* So getting out of the tech bubble can be a simple yet powerful way to better connect with "real" people who don't really need what is being created today. Ultimately, it becomes a way to design and make better products for all people.
* A majority of designers in tech find themselves not working solely on premise. This means that we are entering an era where work can be more evenly distributed outside of hubs like Silicon Valley.
* Our design imperative at Automattic is to imagine a world where WordPress is good design for all. And we're currently exploring how remote work can achieve a new level of inclusive design.
# We're seeking a freedom that's being eroded on the Internet
.quote-large[We are in the "Internet Two" phase as Steven Johnson called it. Internet One was an open network, open protocols, open systems. Internet Two is closed platforms that increasingly dominate the market and own and control our content and us. We need to get to Internet Three where we take back control of ourselves. It is high time for that to happen.
—Fred Wilson]
.subhead-slim.bg-em[FCC votes to remove net neutrality]
.quote-medium[The FCC's net neutrality vote has finally been published in the Federal Register, the government's official record of all administrative actions. The moment is key, because it kicks off the next phase of the fight over the future of the Internet.
—Washington Post
# We're fully connected but algorithmically divided
.quote-huge[Blue Feed, Red Feed: See Liberal Facebook and Conservative Facebook, Side by Side
.subhead-slim.bg-em[Noted blog posts in 2017]
F Facebook
—John Gruber
Quitting Facebook
—Heinrich Hartmann
Facebook you *(bleep)*
—Brad Frost
.quote-large[*Note that similar posts are being made on most major social networks these days of "I'm giving up XYZ"*]
@heinrichhartman @daringfireball @brad_frost
# #DesignInTech is a global phenomenon and beyond Silicon Valley
#DesignInTech 2018 Open Survey | 1219 samples
# The US map for #DesignInTech is unsurprising
#DesignInTech 2018 Open Survey | 1219 samples
# But if you look closely or broadly, inequality sits in the shadow
—EIG *This Mapbox wouldn't embed*]
@NewsHour @albertocairo / Janitors at Two Top Companies, Then and Now
# Congrats! You're in the 5% of the most-skilled computer users.
.fg-dkgray[Across 33 rich countries, only 5% of the population has high computer-related abilities, and only a third of people can complete medium-complexity tasks. What does this simple fact tell us? You are not the user, unless you’re designing for an elite audience.
—Jakob Nielsen NNG
Nielsen-Norman Group
The Distribution of Users’ Computer Skills: Worse Than You Think
# Is the digital divide related somehow to poverty and inequality?
.fg-dkgray[While urban poverty is a unique challenge, rates of poverty have historically been higher in rural than urban areas. In fact, levels of rural poverty were often double those in urban areas throughout the 1950s and 1960s.
1. Poverty is higher in rural areas
2. Most new jobs aren’t in rural areas
It’s easy to see why many rural Americans believe the recession never ended: For them, it hasn’t.
@TechJobsTour @smithmegan @lepitts
# Do you need to care at all? No. But you need to feel the imbalance
.fg-dkgray.tx-large[I was a child refugee. I know how it feels to live in a camp, robbed of my humanity.
—Ai Weiwei]
.fg-dkgray[The exiled Chinese conceptual artist Ai Weiwei has here created an ambitious, humane and often shocking cine-essay on the subject of migrants and the 21st century migrant condition.]
—The Guardian
# Inequality impacts innovation, and we need all minds to beat AI
The more segregated a place becomes, the less innovative it is likely to be.
—Richard Florida
A.I. is presenting us with an opportunity to rethink economic inequality on a global scale.
—Kai-Fu Lee NYT
Systemic inequality can haunt machine intelligence.
—Kate Crawford NYT
@richard_florida David Byrne
# A solution to inequality? Possibly, distributed or "remote" work.
.fg-dkgray.tx-large[There are currently companies with remote work opportunities
.tx-sans[From the Remotive.io list of companies hiring remote workers.]
.box.layout-3-right-2[Bench, 100Starlings, 2600Hz, 33 Sticks, 3DprinterOS, 3nder, 3SMobile, 4 Ventos, 42Floors, 45royale, Acceleration Partners, Accella, Accounto Technology, Action Verb, Actionable.co, ActiveProspect, Actyx, AddStructure, AdEspresso, AgentFire, AgileBits, Aha!, AirTreks, Alaris Prime, AlchemyTec, Alegion, AltSchool, AmaZix, Ameego, Antavo, AppendTo, Araize, Arkency, Art & Logic, Articulate, Artisanal Code, Inc., AsmallOrange, Assemble, Assembled Brands, Attentiv, Aurity, Auth0, Automattic, Avaaz, Axelerant, Azumio, BacklotCars, Balsamiq, Band Industries, Baremetrics, Barrel, Basecamp, Basho, Basho Technologies, Batchbook, BeBanjo, BetterDoctor, Beutler Ink, Big Universe, Big Wheel Brigade, BioTrust Nutrition, Bithive, Bitnami, Bitovi, Black Pixel, BloodHub, Blossom, Bluespark Labs, Bonfire, BookingSync, BrainCheck, BrandBastion, Brave-software, BriteCore, Buffer, Bugcrowd, Bugfender, BuySellAds, Cadasta, CafeMedia, Camplight, Canonical, Carbon Black, Cargobase, CarriersEdge, Cartstack, Casumo, Catalyze, Cesanta, ChartMogul, Chaser, Chef, Chess.com, Ciao Bambino!, CircleCI, Citrusbyte, Civic Actions, Clerky, Clevertech, Close.io, Cloudpeeps, Cloudstitch, Clustree, Codeable, Codebusters, CodeControl, CodePicnic, Codeship, Cohesive Networks, Coinbase, Collab. Drug Discovery, CollabNet, Collabora, Collage.com, Compose, CompuCorp, Conferize, Continu, ConvertKit LLC, Conveyal, Copass, Copyblogger (source), CoreData, Corgibytes, Countly, Covenant Eyes, Cozy Cloud, Crew, Crive, CROmetrics, Crossover, Crowd Valley, Crowdstrke, Cubspot, Cucumber, Cuddli, Curoverse, Cyanna Education, DataCite e.V., Datadog, Dataquest, DataStax, DealDash, Dealer Inspire, Deekit, Deeson, Demio, DesignLab, Dgraph, Diacode, Digital Ocean, Dimanex, Dito, Divio, Divshot, DNSimple, Docker, doctorSIM, DoInbound, Doist, DojoMadness, Domino Data Lab, doopoll, Dotsub, Doximity, DramaFever, DRONAMICS, DroneDeploy, Duck Duck Go, Eaternity, Edify, Edison Nation, Eet.nu, Eezy, ElasticSearch, ElevenYellow, EngageTech, Enjin, Envato, Erply, Estately, Etsy, EveryoneSocial, Exposure Ninja, Eyeo, Fastly, Fatura Simples, Findify, Fire Engine RED, Five Q, Fleep, Fleetio, Flight Vector, Flockler, Flood IO, Flow, Focus Asia, Fog Creek Software, Folarium Technomedia, Follow Up Boss, Fonoma, Forest Admin, FormAssembly, Formstack, Fortumo, Forward Financing, Founder Centric, Foundersuite.com, Foundr Magazine, Four Kitchens, fournova, FoxAndSheep, Foxio, FRSH, Fuel Made, FullStack, Funding Gates, Funnely, Futurelytics, G2i, GatherContent, General Assembly, Genuitec, GetFileCloud, GetIncredibles, Ghost, Giant Swarm, GigaOM, GigSalad, Gigster, Gistia, Gitbook, GitHub, GitLab, GitPrime, Gitter, GlueNetworks, GMB Fitness, Go Fish Digita, GOFAR, GoHiring, Goodway Group, GrabCAD, Gradle, GrantStreet, Grape.io, GrapheneDB, Grasswire, Graylog, Greenback Tax Services, Gridium, Groove, GuardTime, Hanno, Harvest, hashi Corp, Hasura, Haystack, Hazelcast, HE:labs, Health Leads\xe2\x80\x99, Healthfinch, Heap, Heetch, Help Scout, Helpjuice, Inc., Heroku, Herox, Hexbridge, Highland Solutions, Hippo Education, HireGamePros, Hireology, HiringThing, Hitlist, Holstee, Honeybadger, Hotjar, Hubstaff, Hudl, Hugo, Hugging Face, Human, Human Made, Iambnb, ICUC, iDoneThis, Igalia, iMedicare, Import2, Incsub, Indie Localizers, Influx, InfluxData, Inpsyde GmbH, Inspired HR, Instructure, Intellum, Interactive Intelligence, Intercom, Intridea/Mobomo, INTUO, InVision, IOpipe, iwantmyname, Jackson River, Jim's Mowing, Jitbit, Jolly Good Code, Kalypso LP, Kanopi Studios, Kantree, KBMax, Keen IO, Kellerkinder, KeyCDN, Khan Academy, Kiprosh, KissMetrics, Knack, Knock Homes, KnownFour, Koding, Konveen, Kuali, Later, LaterPay, Launch Potato, layer, Lazy Eight, Leadfeeder, LearnZillion, Let's Encrypt, Librato, Librato, Lightbend, Linaro, Lincoln Loop, LitCharts, Litmus, LiveMentor, Living Social, Localistico, loco2, log, Logikcull, Logmein, Loom, LoveToKnow, Loyal, Lullabot, Lumiserv, Lynx Technology Partners, Machinio, mailparser.io, Make Works, Manage Social, Mapbox, MariaDB, MarkIT.eu, MarsBased, Mattermost, Mavens, Mcbeard Media, MCF Technology Solutions, Mediacurrent, Medko, Meet Edgar, Member Up, MetaLab, Metaluxo IT Security, Metamaterial Technologies, Meteor, Midokura, Mightycast, Mixcloud, Mixmax, Mobile Jazz, Mobility Labs, Inc., Mobomo, Modern Tribe, Modus-create, Mokriya, Moltin, Moment, Moo.do, Moondo, Moraware, MotorLot, Moz, Mozilla, Much Better Adventures, MyOnlineSchool, mySociety, MySQL, myTips, NationBuilder, nClouds, Nearform, Netguru, Netsparker, Network Ninja, New Context, Next Big Sound, NIFTIT, Niteoweb, NodePing, NodeSource, NodeSWAT, NoRedInk, Novoda, Nugg, Numbrs, nVisium, O'Reilly Media, Octopus Deploy, Oh My George, OK GROW!, Olark, Olo, OnTheGoSystems, Onyo, Open Knowledge, OpenCraft, openredis, Optimal, Optimile NV, Origin Eight, Outbank, Overl.ai, owl power, Owsy, PageFreezer Software, Pagely, Paktor, ParcelBright, Parse.ly, Particular Software, Pasilobus, Inc, Patients Know Best, Paylocity, Paylock, Peak Games, Peerfit, Peergust, PeopleDoc, PeopleG2, Percona, PersistIQ, PhishMe, Pindrop, Pipedrive, Pivotal Labs, Pixel2HTML, Planet OS, Platform.sh, Plex, Postlight, Precision Nutrition, Pressable, Pressed.net, PreviousNext, Prezly, Product Hunt, Productive Power, Proemion, Protocol Labs, Puppet Labs, Purple Voice, Quantum Mob, Quartzy, Rackspace, railroad19, Railsformers, RainforestQA, RaRe Technologies, Reaction Commerce, Real HQ, Receiptful, ReCharge, Recruiterbox, Recurly, Red Hat, Redox, Reinteractive, Relayto, RepeaterStore, Replay Gaming, resin.io, retail-zipline, RetailNext, RightScale, rmotr.com, Roadtrippers, Rocana, sailteam.io, Salesforce, Sapien, Savvy Apps, ScheduleOnce, ScienceLogic, Scrapinghub, Screenly, Security Roots, Semaphore CI, Sencha Inc, SenorCoders, Server Density, ServiceNow, ShakaCode, Sherpany AG, Shopify, Shortfundly, Simbiose Ventures, Simple, Simplecast, SiteGround, SketchTogether.com, Skillshare, Skore, Skycrapers, SmileDirectClub, SOASTA, Sococo, SoftwareMill, Songspace, Sourcefabric, SparkLabs, Spatial Key, Speedchecker, Spotify, Spreaker, Stack Exchange, Stack Overflow, Staff Squared, Starcoders, Statement, SteepRock, Stripe, Student Loan Hero, Sucuri, Inc, SugarCRM, Sulvo, Surevine, Superble, SurveyMonkey, Swappa, Sysdig Cloud, Taiga.io, TailorDev, Task Analytics, Taxjar, TeachBoost, Team App, Teamed.io, Teamily, TeamSnap, TechnologyAdvice, TED, Teleport, Tenable, TEONITE, Tesera, Tessitura Network, TestDome, Testlio, The Cheat Sheet, The Sensible Code C'y, The Wirecutter, Thinkbox.io, Third Iron, ThirdPath Institute, tidelift, Time Doctor, Timely, TNTP, Toggl, TopDevz, Toptal, Tortuga Backpacks, Tractionboard, Traity, Transloadit, TraveDoc, Treehouse, Trello, Triposo, Twilio, Twin Technologies, Tyk, Uberspace, Unbounce, UniversalMind, Upwork, UpWorthy, Urbansitter, Urgently, Userbin, UserTesting, Ustream, Vaamo, Valutac, Velaro, Inc., Venafi, Inc, Vervoe, Vidian, Vinted, Virtual Law Partners, Waldo Photos, Water Lily Pond, Watsi, Waybetter, Waygo, WeaveUp, Webikon, WebPunch, WebRTC Ventures, WebSharks, Inc., When I Work, Whitebox, Whitesmith, Whitespectre, Wikimedia, Wildbit, WizeHire, Wordfence, X-Team, Xapo, Yammer, Yoko Co, YouNeedABudget, YourSports, Zapier, Zemanta, ZenCash, Zest, ZeroTurnAround.
# What's "remote work" and where is it heading today?
.fg-dkgray[Telecommuting, working from home, working remotely: they all essentially mean the same thing (working somewhere other than in an office). .fg-dkgray[And this form of work is growing.]
.fg-dkgray[A growing number of startups are operating without a physical office for some or all of their workforce. It makes hiring people around the world easier, keeping costs down. But it can make employees feel disconnected.]
—The Information
.quote-large.fg-dkgray[Facebook is never going to work like this. Google is never going to work like this. But whatever replaces them will look more like a distributed company than a centralized one.
—Matt Mullenweg]
Remote work × design tips are available via Automattic Design.
# Where do people work? On premise, remotely, or both?
surveyed are mostly working remote]
mainly on premise and also remotely]
mostly on premise]
#DesignInTech 2018 Open Survey | 1219 samples
# Automattic Design is working with students in Paintsville, KY
.fg-dkgray[I traveled with the TechJobsTour team led by Leanne Pittsford and Megan Smith through Paintsville, Kentucky. In the US there are 500,000 open tech jobs projected to grow to 1 million by 2020. Who gets to have them? Can we change exclusionary patterns?]
via Gannett
.fg-dkgray[A crowd of several thousand swarmed Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson in April of 1964, when he made a trip to the Appalachian town of Paintsville, Ky. in Johnson County as part of the "war on poverty."]
—Courier Journal
.fg-dkgray[Around 119 million people were at risk of poverty or social exclusion in the EU in 2015, representing more than 23% of the EU population. The majority of Member States inhabitants of rural areas are more at risk of poverty or social exclusion than urban inhabitants. In 2014, 27.2% of the rural population were at risk of poverty and social exclusion compared with 24.3 % of the population living in urban areas.]
—EU Parliament
title: toc-6
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##Inclusive Design
.subhead-slim.bg-em[Inclusion = INCLU$ION]
* Changing perception around the idea of "helping those who are less fortunate than ourselves" into "learning how ignorant we are as privileged people" is a useful daily exercise.
* Using that energy to design and make better products is a certain kind of passion and practice that we'll see more often in technology companies. Because inclusive design is becoming commonsense.
* Choose action over wondering about what you can do about the world you see and don't agree with. It's easy today due to all the technologies we have available to us.
# A simple definition of diversity and inclusion says it all
.quote-huge.fg-dkgray[Diversity is being invited to the party;
inclusion is being asked to dance.
—Vernā Myers, Esq.
class: timeline general
# Inclusive design takes center stage after many decades
.subhead.bg-em[Inclusive design issues in tech are recognized and empathy (plus action) is rising.]
.box-sm[Early [designs](https://www.fastcodesign.com/3054927/microsofts-inspiring-bet-on-a-radical-new-type-of-design-thinking) for people with disabilities, from typewriters to telephones to curb cuts, become mass-market solutions that benefit everyone with the rise of industrialization.
.box-sm[After World Wars I and II, the increase in wounded veterans drives new demand for accessibility accomodations, led by programs like University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's [early work](http://disability.illinois.edu/university-illinois-urbana-champaign-disability-firsts) on the American Standards Assocation A117.1 to create architectural accessibility standards in 1961.
.box-sm[Ed Roberts, Berkeley, Independent Living Movement raises visibility of the rights of people with disabilities, leading to important societal change and making Telegraph Avenue one of the first fully wheelchair-accessible streets in the United States.
.box-sm[Barbara Allen, a Washington-based interior designer, publishes one of the first illustrated guides to accessibility criteria, an important early example of how to turn legal criteria into design standards.
.box-sm[Patricia Moore goes undercover as an elderly woman to conduct design research in hundreds of cities over the course of three years, laying the groundwork for inclusive design practices.
.box-sm["The Seven Principles of Universal Design" are published by Ron Mace of North Carolina State University.
.box-sm[Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is passed, governing accessibility of information technology (IT) in the Federal government. After the rise of the internet, these standards will become some of the most important criteria for regulating accessibility in digital technology.
.box-sm[Jutta Treviranus founds the [Inclusive Design Research Centre](https://idrc.ocadu.ca/about-the-idrc), offering one of the first university degrees in inclusive design.
.box-sm[[Susan Kare](http://kare.com/) designs the iconographics for the Apple Macintosh and [Virginia Howlett](https://medium.com/microsoft-design/a-brief-history-of-design-8641bd186e00) brings design to Microsoft Windows. Both open the door to making nerd-centric computing experience into ones that can possibly appeal to non-computer people.
.box-sm[The Americans with Disabilities Act is passed. This civil rights legislation prohibits discrimination and guarantees that people with disabilities have the same opportunities as everyone else to participate in the mainstream of American life.
.box-sm[DesignAge action research programme of the Royal College of Art begins and evolves into the [Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design](https://www.rca.ac.uk/research-innovation/helen-hamlyn-centre/about/) to undertake design research and projects with industry that will contribute to improving people's lives.
.box-sm[European Institute for Design and Disability (EIDD) is created with the mission statement, "Enhancing the quality of life through Design for All." and "Good design enables, bad design disables."
.box-sm[Web Accessibility Initiative [WAI](https://www.w3.org/WAI/events.html) [starts](https://illyism.com/journal/history-web-accessibility) after a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) presentation at the White House. [Read](https://w3c.github.io/wai-website/business-case/) Accessibility is Good Business by the W3C.
.box-sm[The first version of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines [WCAG](https://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/wcag) are published by the World Wide Web Consortium, specifying key criteria for accessible web and digital technology design.
class: bg-black
# .fg-white[A solution for inequality by design? Inclusive design re-awakens.]
# Bias in AI and who's auto-complete?
Turkish uses the gender-neutral pronoun, "o." Yet, when the Turkish sentences "o bir doktor" (top) and "o bir hemşire" (bottom) are entered into Google Translate, they translate into English as "he is a doctor" and "she is a nurse."
via Princeton
# So recognize exclusion, and take action
.subhead-slim.bg-em[To start, recognize exclusion]
Recognize exclusion. —Kat Holmes
If you don't believe it, visit Congrats, you have an all male panel!
Also check out the 4-hour podcast Automattic Design leader **Ashleigh Axios** created with **Amy Choi** (Mashup Americans) **Ethan Zuckerman** (MIT Media Lab) on [Design and Exclusion](https://x.design.blog) with **Aarron Walter** (InVision), **Maria Giudice** (Autodesk), **Paco Viñoly** (NextDoor), **Aminatou Sow** (TechLadymafia), **Anne Diaz** (Airbnb), **Andrew Sinkov** (Etsy)
.subhead-slim.bg-em[And be curious about biased tech]
Sorry, Alexa Is Not A Feminist
—The Atlantic
Amazon's Alexa Now Stands Up for Herself If You Use Sexist Language
Your company's Slack is probably sexist
How to Fight Sexism on Your Company's Slack
—Life Hacker]
.subhead-slim.bg-em[Change your avatar to an URM]
And you'll want to change it to a cat thereafter once you experience the difference.
Enthoven began the experiment by swapping out her photo for an image of her cofounder, Eric Lu. She was surprised to see harassment drop to nearly zero.
@katholmes @wired @theatlantic @glamour @quartz @lifehacker
# Be sure to include others unlike yourself, and bring your friends
via TechJobsTour in Paintsville, KY
.quote-regular[David Gibson, the superintendent of the Paintsville school district, had this idea that the company I'm at, Automattic, which is all remote, that people could be in Paintsville and get a full-time job without leaving the area. A lightbulb went off, that David's kids could do that, and live where their families have lived for generations, and still have an income and benefits. —Fast Company
@michaelbierut @fastcompany
# Design inclusively to expands your total addressable market
.subhead.bg-em[As Hollywood starts to reflect society’s diversity, it’s also making the highest grossing movies of all time.]
Black Panther
Wonder Woman
The Foreigner
The Big Sick
.quote-big[There's so many movies from different points of view that are making a ton of money. Don't do it because it's better for society and representation, even though it is. Do it because you'll get rich. You'll get that promotion, right?
Kumail Nanjiani at the Oscars
'Black Panther' Should Become Marvel's Latest Billion-Dollar Movie This Weekend —Fortune]
@upworthy #wakanda @fortunemagazine and consider the Star Trek economy too
class: bg-black
background-image: URL(https://www.newstatesman.com/sites/default/files/styles/nodeimage/public/blogs_2018/02/black-panther-quad-poster.jpg)
## Recent movie review SMS from my 82-year old mom
name: credits
class: bg-ltgray
# 2018 #DesignInTech Open Survey Credits
Pedro Sanoja, Alejo Romano, Victor Fernandez, Yawen Jang, Cam Rogers, Chi Ryan, mel, CATHERINE HILLS, Paul Strike, Chris McLay, Hayden Dobson, Benson Low, Hass, CAJ, Joyce Seitzinger, Ben Hamley, RS, Glen Barry, Tom Key, SJD, M.Y., ZT, Drew P A Smith, Jessica Tong, Sam Hancock, VT, Christian Baker, Laura van Doore, Jake Deakin, notrevol, valentijn destoop, Mark Graham Dunn, Glauco Cardoso, Pedro Belleza, Romeu Biscaia Machado, Bubu, Paula Fehper, Cristian Mazzeo, Thiago Barcelos, Lucas Terra Cardial, Bruno Fischer, Duda Rodrigues, Andreia Bersot, LionelC, Tiago P. Taveira, Fabrício Astua, LMSM, FNazario, Melissa Ribeiro, Rafael Brandão, Dani Tavares, bani torrico, G0ntz, Rafael Fernandes, Georgi Kamov, Kevin Morris, Johnny Chauvet, Allyna Sagun, Ryan Neufeld, Adam Leon, Lenny Laurier, Aloke Pillai, Suds, Nuff, Matt Nish-Lapidus, Tyler Benning, Heidi McCulloch, Yabo, Kimberley Peter, Filippo Di Trapani, Myriam Picovschi, Julia Guimaraes, mCorby, Francis Gagnon, Marc-Oliver Gern, Jonas Altman, pak, Jacqueline P. Ashby, Kirill Vechtomov, ic, Justin Lim, Lynne Polischuik, Travis Gertz, Craig Cullimore, cs, Emily, Jenna B, Akshay Chauhan, Sim.S, Noman Sid, José Concha, Ariel Contreras @acontrerasv, Alejandro Urrutia, timworks.net, Misterymotion, Nicolas Ochoa, Koncarovski, Ivana Preiss, Antonin Pospisil, Carsten Nguyen Henriksen, JPT, Jesper Philip Sølvbjørke, Daniel Gjøde, Stupid Studio, Thomas Madsen-Mygdal, Bo Madsen, Niels, Morten Lundholm, Troels Nørlem, Pärtel Vurma, Velvet, Monika Zych, PPoi, Niko Laitinen, Vesa Ahtiainen, John T, armansansd, Alexandre Crenn, Charlie Coucou, Charles Bail, Pierre-Denis Autric, Thomas Nicot, Frederique PAIN, Nicolas Marescaux, Chaker Bejaoui, Lise Kemen, David Duhamel, kliger, Matthieu Bousendorfer, j03£, Rachel Ilan, MASC, Helmut Ramsauer, Evgeny, A. Ribotta, Dawn Ahukanna, Florian Lohse, Philipp Schaefer, MSM, Michael, hiep, Fernando Galdino, Jochen Denzinger, Jenica Lewis, Dragomir Ralchev, Marc from Heimatdesign, Guergana, Markus Nowak, Marianne Guillen, Carolina, Yasmina Haryono, Jannes, Kilometer, Lew Freyholtz, CJC, KN, Axel Baumann, Daniel Echeverri, Michael. N, Agoston Nagy, David Udvardy, Saneef Ansari, Amal Tiwari, Saikat dutta, Anoop Chandra, Nandha, Mohit Sharma, Prateek Parijat, Pallavi Naik, Aradhana, Baskar Ganesan, PointBlank, Prob G, Sandheep, Sweta, Murthy Gollapudi, Prafull, Aadesh Mistry, Vispat, Gavin remedios, Arwin Brahma, Tanuja P., Kumar Murthy, NS, Guillermo Acevedo, Soo Basu, Anand, Nipun K. Garodia, Somyeah, Abhishek Jayaprakash, Arganka, Red Lemonade Creative, Lara Hanlon, Hilary Kenna, Ivan Frantar, Eilis Boyle, Mark Swaine, mm, Eoin Smith, John Buckley, Almudena Blanch, Aidan Doré, Craig Phillips, Rui Eduardo, LH, Kostya Gorskiy, Chanan Greenblatt, Eric Hinz, Eyal Fendell, rainwiz, Antonio Civita, Alessandro Pollini BSD design, Luigi, Niccolò Magnani, Andrea Gaiardo, Luca Troisi, Carlo Cavedon, Lorenzo Ruggieri, Manuela Ciancilla, Giovanni Caruso, aldo fontana, Francesca Monti, Annalisa Angelini, Daniele Vitali, ka2, M. Tanaka, Kenji Mori, Itsumi Matsukawa, Yasuhiro Sasaki, Bert Brautigam, Nathan Paterson, Toshiki Wada, Hajime Kuge, Hans Kurihara, Koichiro Eto, Fady Rostom, AnissaL, samcy, Sylvain Vanderhaegen, Justin Farrugia, LA, Joram Patiño, H. McNamara, Polo Garcia, Wendy Johansson, Iliana Moreno Guzman, Oscar Zavala Hernandez, Jeroen Frumau, Zuzanna Skalska, 360Inspiration, Jos van Roosmalen, Patrick de Jong, Murat Akyol, Hielkje Zijlstra, Wilbert Baan, Bob van Luijt, Dylan Evans, Jenny Shen, Linda Mertens, David Linssen, Peter Boersma, AL, Anon, Brian Lucid, Georg, tristam sparks, Steph Creasy, Rildwan Olayemi Bello, Leif Knutsen, Tom gabriel johansen, Eric Haidara, CS, Eder Rengifo, Hope Joanne Dag-um, Eric Agoncillo Ambata, Maciej Mlynek, Ines Bravo, Sara Gago, Hugo Froes, JPR, Francisco Bordallo, Luis Madureira, Peter Anthony Martins, samuel rosario medina, Dan Baciu, Ovidiu Berdila, IR, Archie, Edison Chee, Amanda Arielle Lu, Lwjon, Anuradha Jain, Ben, Maik Lutze, Kimverlyn Lim, SL, LM, Jon Edwards, Francois Brill, Tefo Mohapi, Ali Ndlovu, J.M, J Y, Antonio Molin, Andres Lopez Josenge, @serrodsan, Claudio Lobos, M Lop, miscalzoncillos, Luis Eduardo Dejo, atriz, Pilar Saura, Marco Righetto, Manu Ageitos, Jesús Miguel Gimeno, @abrahamnavas, JCG, Carlos García Maganto, Dragon, AICS, Team PowerHorse, May O. Caballero, Martina Gobec, Andrea Picchi, Patrik Beskow, Allen Smith, Martin Willers, Vincent Garcia, Supermarjo, Zelia sakhi, Jared Fossey, Nirvana Soltani, Hannes Johansson, Diana Africano Clark, Serena Cangiano, Raphael Schaad, Dominic Wuffli, Sylvestre Lucia, Philipp Maul, Raimund Erdmann, Jules Skopp, Marie-France Bojanowski, Mihaly Keserü, Olivier Heitz, jj, Emre Girgin, Twikirize Switzin Tibz, Denys Kulyk, Alex Debkaliuk, Maksym Tkachuk, Ram Prakash Palaparty, TP, Riccie Audrey Janus, Robin Howie, Roland Whitehead, Jordan Harper, barry ainslie, Ryan Burke, JC, Marcela O, eebster, Brendan Kearns, John Williams Taylor, Adam Williams, Thai.H, Jon Rowlandson, Niklas Hagemann, Mr Nick James Turner, Jonathan Conway, Sergei Golubev, Christina Li, Sevil Rahimova, Stephen Wood xLab, Eli Symeon, Sophie Allcock, Alex Menczykowski, Sandor Gyuris, IP, Jiri Jerabek, Kartik Poria, Christopher Gameson, bup, J Meijer, Giovanni Luperti, MC, QS, Alessio Cuccu, Mariana Morris, Tammie Lister, I Chhat, Aden Davies, Michelle Gerrard-Doyle, Konrad Pitala, Gfag8!, Les Hughes, Liam Hutchinson, Gabrielle Micheletti, MP, Luis Salinas, Shimbug, G Knowles Topham, Jeff Salanco, Matthew Gallagher, Dan Abelow, AV, Jared Stephens, Mark Loomis, David Wen, Chad Ostroff, Nick Cochran, Duncan Robertson, James Dow, Jodi Cutler, Peter Eckert, chris hammond, Erin Hauber, Hayley Hughes, KEM, Nick Tilden, TS, Meriah Garrett, Kara Miekina, Anthony Armendariz, Randomood, Dennis Eusebio, Shaun Bhargav, J. Dustin, Vogthorstar, Remote queen, Lance Willett, Kara DeFrias, Brent Summers, Ali Sarwat Hussain, Kelsey Lancaster, Flo Kat, Sara V, Jonathan Kies, Darin Marshall, Igor, Jim C-L, Alessandra B., Chris Wallace, Joshua smith, Visual Communicator, Florian Schommertz, Scott McManigal, seb, Bri, @shelton, Veronica Kovachi, Justin Ruckman, Jon Bell, Rutiger Poopinstalk, Kevin Bethune, Mark Uraine, Carlo Paolo Espiritu, Nicole Thayer, sylvia, Q.O.T.U. Design, inc., ANON, MH, Michael Sueoka, Matthew E. May, Shawn Johnson, Neil LaVigne, Michelle Wong, Alexa Roman, Patrick Fredrickson, Arturo Perez, RC, goodwinux, claudia bardales, Bryan Cheung, Paul Hanaoka, Marissa, Masako Ikegami, b zepeda, Michelle Chin, irene hoffman, BadGenius, Reed Reibstein, CMAINA, Joe Schram, Leslie Luo, Michael J. Morgan, Che Douglas, Ben Bausili, Joe Payne, Floyd Sanchez, Paul-Felix Montez, Tania Lili, Brian RS Ward, Creative Juggernaut, Russell Ong, Mercury Murphy, Lauren Hancock, Alex Yra, Evan Verdoia, Aaron, Houshang, Jay F, Jonathan Shariat, Neeharika gupta, Prithika, Laura Martini, Dddd, Jeff Z., Diego Rodriguez, Vinita Israni, Leigh Anne Miller, R. Mangrobang, musho, Ozzy Urrutia, Christiana, Tara, Yuki Alzona, Daniel Castro, Alex Kim, Tom Illmensee, Michelle Koh, NB, Holly Marie Gibbs, JY, Darren Farrugia, George Chen, Maria Giudice, Ramya, Peter Cho, n/a, Gareth Kay, Dirk Cleveland, James Murnane, Jeff Zwerner, Florentin Hortopan, Julie Stanescu, Maria M Fabbroni, NBL, Melinda, Gretared, Tyler Miller, Teddy Zmrhal, Meekal Bajaj, James Song, Alessandro Sabatelli, mo, Christian Talmage, Ann-Caryn Cleveland, Christine Park, bebe buckner, Ryan Fariñas, Michele Mizejewski, Steffan Schlarb, Vikram, Luan Chen, Vandy Meares, Andrew S, Todd Zaki Warfel, Arianna Orland, Mary Lukanuski, Vineeth Nair, Israel Nevarez, Brian Beaver, Sharon Cardinal, Diana Tobey, Kyle Bennett, Jsp, Daniela Steinsapir, Kasia Wyser-Pratte, Michael Polivka, Akira Motomura, Eric Fain, Kurt Varner, Genevieve Conaty, Laura Mattis, Siyuan Tu, Glenn Rawlinson, Tommy K, Benjamin Schwartz, Bruno Marinho, PKP, Hamza El-Falah, Jake Mac, Dan Harrelson, Stu Griffiths, AmeliaW, Caio, Joanna Ellis, Len, Alex Dixon, C. A. Stavridis, S. Jones, Vel Prakhantree, Marcelo G., DP Venkatesh, Ashleigh Axios, Jaymes Cloninger, Kit Oliynyk, Katherine M. Zhou, XF, Natalie Buda Smith, Jen Strickland, WTB, Sharif Elshinnawi, MH, Kendell Warner, Kyle Johnston, John Resman, Josh Kubicki, Jason Hargis, Ruzanna Rozman, Adam Rotmil, Michael Ellis, Stacy Kvernmo, Daniel R Farrell, Graphex, Jason P Belaire, Scot Przybylski, GRID Impact, Pete Kinser, J.H., Swan5280, David O'Connell, Peter Lloyd, MWK, Brad Baer, Robert T. Whyte, Jason Prunty, mm, Ryan, Devon Burgoyne, James Williams, Pete Fleming, Troy Lachance, Kate Clayton, Tom McQuaid, jfm, David, Al Logiodice, Layne Jackson Hubbard, Rafael Guevara, Bri Piccari!, Nasty Gold Woman, Dipti Siddamsettiwar, Bryan Howell, Rich Hauck, Yoda, Jordan Jackson, Michelle Leonette, Jason Rincker, Catherine Shen, Sean Oakes, Danny Salvatori, Samantha Clark, Jose Coronado, Chino Wong, Dasami Moodley, Karyn Campbell, Michelle Knoernschild, Judy Wert, MT, Torry Colichio, Randy J. Hunt, Ilya Startsev, Syed Lagoon, B Reichler, Van Rais, Sean Ro, NXD, David Fisher, Mattias Wikman, SL, L. Batista, Juan Daniel Herrera, Gloria Kim, im good., JHMOTIVF, Ryan Haigh, Sandra Barron, Rochelle King, Jessica He, MP, Clay Wiedemann, Sumin Chou, Stephen Gates, Bumhan Yu, Daniel Gomez Seidel, Jayne Lee, Jerlyn, SHANI SANDY, flomerboy, Richard Ting, Andrew (Ande) La Monica, Sandy Chen, Vincent Bahk, Adam, Isa Gouverneur, Stephanie Liu, Cheryl L. Oppenheim, Michael Keany, pnts, Anna Fine, wwl, Kathryn Simon, Jason Brady, Sarah Doody, Laura Simpson, M. Dulin, Kevin Smith, Gunther Chanange, Melanie O'Donnell, TJK, Karl van Turk, CDG, GG, Randy J. Hunt, Albert P, Jay Fichialos, Haijing Liu, Dennis Wong, Cathi Bosco, S.A. Meier, Jeff Golenski, Keith Instone, Milan Kocic, Stephen Szermer, Andy Davies, John Fitch, Not Sure, John Horstman, @jeremydwill, Melody Roberts, Nathan Lagacy, Katherine Luby, Steve Finikiotis, Jase Miller, CWR, David A. Townsend, Mark Rattin, Bill Bernahl, MG, mkbrooks, Chris Coffin, Karen Nickerson, Jeff Steffgen, Daniel Orbach, MultiBiomech, Vanya Prokopovich, Chacko Poothicote, Daniel Marano, Isaac Girard, Jay Liu, jenniwon, CRH, Michelle Curtis, EthanLP, Tristan Harward, Leslie Bondaryk, Lisa deBettencourt, David Abbet, Meeta Mathur, Mel Choyce, Maria Matveeva, Miracle Tonic, Fahad Punjwani, Churu Yun, Luke Jones, Chris Blocher, Patrick Miller, Dale Prentiss, Mirekulous, Jared Fanning, Amy Huang, Kimberly C. Wolting, Sarah Brockett, Chris Chiles, Drew Lettner, Shane Ernest, Thomas Y., Michael Laviolette, Kevin Meyer, Andy Vitale, Alan Smithee, Bob Marchant, Roel Uleners, Ashish Rao, Dylan Wilbanks, Jared R Davis, James Holt, Paola Reyes, Tim Whalin, Wolo, FARRUKH RAZA, EAL, Nico Nuzzaci, Blank, Lucas Colusso, Julie Larson-Green, Jenny Lam, Jerrod Larson, J. Lucero, Manali Gortekar, Savage Ewok, Andi Rusu, Omar Elfanek, Toots MacAfee.
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.left-column[## Disclosure
.tx-sans.fg-black[This presentation has been compiled for informational purposes only and should not be construed as a solicitation or an offer to buy or sell securities in any entity.
The presentation relies on data and insights from a wide range of sources, including public and private companies, market research firms, and industry professionals. We cite specific sources where data are public; the presentation is also informed by non-public information and insights.
This is the third publication of the Design In Tech report. We will post any updates revisions or clarifications at
Please report any errors to @johnmaeda on Twitter. Thank you!
John Maeda has minor equity positions as an investor in certain companies referenced in the presentation maedastudio.com/startups.